Fans of Translation is run by Dr Yu Kit Cheung MCIL CL FHEA, Lecturer in Chinese Translation Studies at The University of Manchester, UK. He is also a Steering Committee Member of the East Asian Translation Pedagogy Advance.
Besides teaching translation between English and Chinese, he undertakes research into these two languages and translation. He is enthusiastic about sharing with his readers his thoughts on language (including translation), from which he derives tremendous pleasure. He is currently working on a corpus-based study of a neglected Europeanized Chinese structure.
His recent academic publications include:
2022. “What is Chinese? A Case Study of the Chinese Translations of Government Guidance and Regulations in Relation to COVID-19 in the UK.” In Translation and Interpreting in the Age of COVID-19, edited by Kanglong Liu and Andrew K.F. Cheung. Singapore: Springer. (forthcoming)
2021. “Blending Language Learning with Translation Teaching: A New Perspective on the Teachability of Chinese Translation.” In Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice, edited by Riccardo Moratto and Martin Woesler, 433-453. Singapore: Springer. Accessible here.
2020. Book Review of S.W. Chan, A New Comprehensive Chinese-English Dictionary. 2016. Translation Quarterly 96: 81-90. Accessible here.
2020. “Nominalisation and Domestication: Reconsidering the Titles of the English Translations of Pu Songling’s Liaozhi zhiyi.” Translation Horizons. 10: 70-84.
2019. “Confucianism.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, edited by S.W. Chan, 221- 237. London: Routledge.